One of India’s top publishing houses where ‘Author Service’ is the priority.
Explore the depths of publishing by taking a deep dive into The Alcove Publisher’s journey with Authors and their books. As we cross over a decade of publishing excellence, our commitment to ‘value-added books’ has grown with each passing year. The undiluted determination of our diverse team, spread across Asia, US and Europe contributes to the altering progressive literary trends of the publishing world. It gives our writers an edge, a better understanding and a realistic approach to all aspects linked to the manuscript.
The Alcove is committed to publishing all genres of writing, provided the manuscript has touched an emotional, social or intellectual element deeply rooted with us. Apart from the eminent Authors in our ‘Cove Community’, we have space for aspiring writers who are passionate about their work and willing to be patient and persuasive in their approach to publishing.
The Alcove is committed to publishing all genres of writing, provided the manuscript has touched an emotional, social or intellectual element deeply rooted with us. Apart from the eminent Authors in our ‘Cove Community’, we have space for aspiring writers who are passionate about their work and willing to be patient and persuasive in their approach to publishing.
‘Author Service’ - an Innovative Trend in Publishing
Give the book what she deserves –
But give the Author a little more.
The Alcove vision
Author Service promotes
- Working together as a team.
- Involving the Author in the whole process.
- Sharing work progress at all stages of the manuscript.
- Considering the Author’s viewpoints in areas pertaining to cover, design, edits, proofreading, typesetting etc.
It is how The Alcove connects with her Writers – with a view to build a strong Author-Publisher relationship in the beginning itself so that the MANUSCRIPT sails smoothly through the process of publishing.
A new concept curated by The Alcove, we believe in exploring the creative calibre a Writer is charged with.
As a tribute to the growing number of writers in India, we accept all submissions in our inbox and provide valuable feedback to Authors, irrespective of ‘manuscript selection’.
This is the least we can do to motivate the Writers and help fulfil their dreams of Publishing.
A new concept curated by The Alcove, we believe in exploring the creative calibre a Writer is charged with.
As a tribute to the growing number of writers in India, we accept all submissions in our inbox and provide valuable feedback to Authors, irrespective of ‘manuscript selection’.
This is the least we can do to motivate the Writers and help fulfil their dreams of Publishing.
We are the first publishing house to inculcate the truly inspirational concept of Author-Centric approach to publishing. While the manuscript holds its standpoint, our team goes through a specific training process to:
- Review the manuscript
- Comprehend the writing
- Understand Author – focused approach to the manuscript
- Work cohesively
In such a scenario, there is more scope for:
- Clarity
- Teamwork
- Involvement
- Script-analysis
- Author-interaction
From Manuscript to Masterpiece: The Alcove Publishers’ commitment to all genres
There is no barrier to storytelling.
Each genre handholds the Author to a higher literary platform. Holding the essence intact. The Alcove encourages submissions linked to genres, closely relatable and diversely popular.
We are extremely supportive of storytelling based on creativity, imagination, fantasy, realism etc. Our commitment lies in identifying the masterpiece in a chosen manuscript and working with the Author to achieve the same.
Each genre handholds the Author to a higher literary platform. Holding the essence intact. The Alcove encourages submissions linked to genres, closely relatable and diversely popular.
We are extremely supportive of storytelling based on creativity, imagination, fantasy, realism etc. Our commitment lies in identifying the masterpiece in a chosen manuscript and working with the Author to achieve the same.