A Nation Unveiled: Pakistan at Seventy-five


  • Language: English
  • Binding: Hardbound
  • Genre : Non-Fiction, History
  • Publisher: The Alcove Publishers
  • Author : Razi Azmi
  • Pages: 376
  • ISBN: 9788195676095
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About the Book

Razi Azmi plies the steel with the precision and compassion of a surgeon, even as he holds strong opinions on Pakistan’s birth and how the country has been governed since it came into being. Anyone looking for a rational argument and lucidity of style should read this book.

  • Ejaz Haider, Journalist & Senior Resident Fellow at the Centre for Strategic Studies and Policy Research, University of Lahore 


 A Nation Unveiled: Pakistan at Seventy-Five takes a kaleidoscopic, ringside look at the evolution of Pakistani politics and society over the last quarter century. Though the focus is on political developments involving politicians, generals and Islamic zealots, there is no aspect of life that escapes the author’s scrutiny. This book is a collection of contemporaneous commentaries, some of which were written in a lighter vein, some in exasperation, but all were intended as serious critique and food for thought. An introduction provides a historical overview of the country’s founding and evolution since 1947. Azmi takes a poignant look at the human and social costs of Partition and its enduring consequences, which have poisoned Pakistan-India relations and marginalised religious minorities in three South Asian countries.


About the Author

Multicultural to the core, Razi Azmi has always been fascinated by people and places. His extensive travels are described in A World UnveiledJoys and Jitters of Many Journeys (2021) and his eventful life is recapitulated in A Life UnveiledMy Encounters Across Countries and Cultures (2022). Azmi has studied at universities in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Russia and US, getting his PhD in history. He has taught at universities in Pakistan, US and Morocco.


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