Wild Gooseberries – An Anthology


  • Language: English
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publisher: The Alcove Publishers
  • ISBN: 9788194715023
SKU: TAP-PRE-WG-ANT Categories: ,
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About the Book

Can wounded hearts be stitched alive
n’ healed before the time pass by?
Can the rays of the shining Sun-
lessen the gloominess of the dark sky?
Thy world, darkened by the shadows of pain-
Only words can lighten up the long – lost hopes.

Writers – the healers to an unsettled world like gooseberries to our wellness.
Raw and unripe, they ooze the wisdom of generations through their powerful
words. The poems are only the first ounce of hope they deliver. Yet
these beloved words relieve the mind of its constant pondering. It is the balm
to nature’s fury, the solace to a broken heart. Words, fresh ones like the wild
gooseberries pay tribute to the varied emotions of life.

In this Anthology, there is no discipline of words. The writers express to their
heart’s content. Who are we to clip the berries from their branches? Who are
we to decide which berries should ripen? For, in this wilderness, one finds the
perfect balance of love and literature.

Weight 150 g
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