Sermons of the Dead


  • Language: English
  • Author : Narendra Murty
  • ISBN: 9788197181399
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Genre : Fiction
  • Publisher: The Alcove Publishers
  • Pages: 325
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What if we could converse with the great martyrs of the world? What if we could converse with them about the current state of the world? What would they have said about war, religious conflict, social inequality, crisis of values and corrupt governance? What if we could ask Socrates as to what constitutes the good life? What if we tried to learn from Jesus himself as to what true religion is? What if we could ask Joan of Arc what leadership is? What would it be like to listen to Jesus and Galileo participating in the eternal debate on Science vs. Religion? Or to Gandhi and Socrates about Authoritarianism vs. Democracy?

This book is a soaring, lofty flight of imagination that seeks to visit the realm of the departed to win the treasures of wisdom from the noble dead. Six great martyrs spanning 25 centuries, diverse nations, languages, cultures and occupations shall come together to share their wisdom with us. The martyrs were silenced in life by their rotten societies. But now the martyrs are going to have their say. From across the kingdom of death, they shall speak. No, they shall speak from the realm of Immortality.

These are imaginary conversations with Socrates, Jesus, Joan of Arc, Galileo, Gandhi and Mansur al Hallaj – the great martyrs of history. These are the Sermons of the Dead.



Professionally, Narendra Murty worked as a Divisional Manager in the Life Insurance industry. However, the deep driving passion of his life has been the study of various religions and philosophies – both Eastern and Western – to which he has devoted more than three decades of his life. 

His first book Eating His Money – The Antics of a Metaphysical Clown (published by Alcove Publishers and available on Amazon) contains his commentaries on twenty-five stories of Mulla Nasrudin, the enigmatic clown. The book is an expression of his understanding of Sufi philosophy which he illustrates with concepts derived from all the wisdom traditions of the world making this subtle knowledge easily accessible to the general lay readers. 

An Odyssey of the Mind – Journeys in the Modern Mindscape is a collection of twenty deeply thought-provoking essays written over a period of ten years. The subjects include psychology, philosophy, history, sociology, the impact of technology, ecology, political philosophy and even a couple of humourous and satirical jibes on our politics, society and culture. 

The Religion of Wonder is an attempt to define religion outside the context of organized religions and makes the radical claim that science too is a path that points to the Divine. It is also a call to all atheists, agnostics and non-believers to explore their own negation in an honest manner.

A Grain of Sand – Decoding Images, Rituals and Mythology is an exploration and explanation of the Symbolism in Sanatana Dharma in the Puranic, Upanishadic and Vedic ages. 

Presently, he is working as a Research Associate at Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry and writes regularly for their online journal Renaissance. To learn more about all the areas of his work, please visit:

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