Why does Nataraja have a circle of flames around him?
Why does Kali wear a garland of severed heads?
Why do we perform rituals like Pradakshina and Aarti?
What is the meaning of the story of Samudra Manthan?
What is the meaning and significance of Om?
Why did the Vedic sages worship the Agni and Surya?
To know the answers to these questions, we have to learn the language of Symbolism. Every aspect of Sanatana Dharma – Image worship, Rituals such as Pradakshina, Aarti and Visarjan, mythological epics and stories – is steeped in symbolism. We cannot understand it unless we penetrate this veil of symbolism. The meaning is hidden. The symbols have to be decoded. Without the code, the outward symbols are devoid of content and meaning.
A Grain of Sand decodes this language of symbolism and brings out the inner meaning and the lofty wisdom of the ancients. This is an invitation. Come. Pierce the veil of symbolism and discover the hidden treasures of Sanatana Dharma. Reclaim your priceless legacy.
Professionally, Narendra Murty worked as a Divisional Manager in the Life Insurance industry. However, the deep driving passion of his life has been the study of various religions and philosophies – both Eastern and Western – to which he has devoted more than three decades of his life.
His first book Eating His Money – The Antics of a Metaphysical Clown contains his commentaries on twenty-five stories of Mulla Nasrudin, the enigmatic clown. The book is an expression of his understanding of Sufi philosophy which he illustrates with concepts derived from all the wisdom traditions of the world making this subtle knowledge easily accessible to the general lay readers.
His second book An Odyssey of the Mind – Journeys in the Modern Mindscape is a collection of twenty deeply thought-provoking essays written over a period of ten years. The subjects include psychology, philosophy, history, sociology, the impact of technology, ecology, political philosophy and even a couple of humourous and satirical jibes on our politics, society and culture.
Another book The Religion of Wonder is an attempt to define religion outside the context of the organized religions and makes the radical claim that science too is a path that points to the Divine. It is also a call to all atheists, agnostics and non-believers to explore their own negation in an honest manner.
The next book An Oak Tree in the Garden – Exploring the World of Zen contains his commentaries on 30 fascinating Zen stories thereby making the esoteric discipline of Zen very accessible to the lay reader.
His previous book Sermons of the Dead contains imaginary conversations with Socrates, Jesus, Mansur Al Hallaj, Joan of Arc, Galileo and Gandhi – the great martyrs of history.
Presently, he is working as a Research Associate at Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry and writes regularly for their online journal Renaissance.
To learn more about all the areas of his work, please visit: www.narendramurty.com