Clouds of Utopia – An Anthology


  • Language: English
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publisher: The Alcove Publishers
  • Pages: 150
  • ISBN: 9788194805632
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About the Book

Where there isn’t a drought for words
Where the language uninterruptedly flows
Where the limits extend to the vast limitlessness of the sky
To that world of letters, let thy spirits ascend

Utopia is every dreamer’s realistic world where the sense of belonging is all embracing and the possibilities of achieving what one has come to believe is elevated from the earthly plains. The heavy inflow of thoughts in an extraordinary sentimental state can bring out the greatest work of all times.

In this Anthology we have freed the writers of their inhibitions and encouraged them to express themselves in the most powerful state of Utopia, shredding disciplined writing to pen when they are in a world of their own.

The clouds of Utopia; the writers from the cove – exhilarate, snivel, provoke, forgo, set off and discover contentment through a highly valued ‘word-travel’ with the merits of their creative influx. It is for us to play hide and seek amongst these mesmerizing clouds and cherish their contribution to the growing beauty of Utopia.

Weight 180 g
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