Moonstones & Rubies – An Anthology


  • Language: English
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publisher: The Alcove Publishers
  • ISBN: 9788194715016
SKU: TAP-PRE-MR-ANT Categories: ,
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About the Book

Moonstones: From the magic of the moon to its nourishing, calming and healing properties, moonstones represent the influential words which flow out of a writer’s imagination. The poets are either drenched in nostalgia or they paint vivid touching images. Also known as the urban time travellers, they write about losses in tranquillity and heights of ecstasy. Our anthology has poets platooning on realistic interpretations to everlasting dreamy voyages.

Rubies: Deep, passionate and valuable are the synonyms of ruby. They denote the admirable stories of our writers who travel beyond boundaries and culture to make an unerasable mark with their writings. The vitality and vigour of the story tellers lend energy to the carefully pickled words in their works. An anthology is just an excuse, it is more the coming together of time from various phases in life.

The writers are our gems, their works adorn the empty pages of the book adding life to clueless blank spaces in time.

Weight 150 g
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