The Stupid Child’s First Rank Effort


  • Language: English
  • Author : Kunal Roy
  • ISBN: 9788196447939
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Genre : Fiction/Children’s story
  • Publisher: The Alcove Publishers
  • Pages: 400
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Dhanya has low marks in school.

Her teacher says she needs to “work harder.”

In other words, she is“too stupid to compete.” 

Dhanya protests against this assessment.

She says school is USELESS, so she doesn’t try.

It’s a LIE to say that she’s not capable!

One day Dhanya finds she can do ‘mantra magic’

And she must go to mantra magic school to train.

In that moment, mother dear senses her opportunity.

She says magic powers are decidedly NOT USELESS.

So this time Dhanya must get first rank!

Now Dhanya must put her money where her mouth is.

Can the “stupid child” get first freaking rank?



Kunal Roy, a young man of 29, hails from Bangalore. His primary intent is to highlight stories of unappreciated worth. These stories occur in many walks of life. Too many children are labelled ‘dumb’ as the system rewards only a certain kind of talent and ignores all others. Kunal strongly believes that every person has great worth. He hopes to educate the world on this long-ignored truth. 

Kunal holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. He has changed fields and is currently pursuing Masters in Clinical Psychology. In future, he plans to attain a PhD and subsequently, practice as a Clinical Psychologist. He is passionate about playing piano, singing, sketching, digital art, reading AI papers and writing fiction and non-fiction. Teaching kids and making concepts easy for them interests him too.

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